Up: Covid victim death certificate captured in a red ribbon – News2IN

Up: Covid victim death certificate captured in a red ribbon

Up: Covid victim death certificate captured in a red ribbon
Written by news2in

Lucknow: Who will issue a person’s death certificate who is a Lucknow resident but died of Covid-19 in a hospital in Barabanki? It was a concern for ila Singh whose mother died to Covid on April 29 at a private hospital in neighboring districts.
When the second wave was at its peak, Singh ran from the pillar to post maternal care and now for two months he had been back and forth between Lucknow Municipal Corporation and Barabanki Municipality for his mother’s death certificate.
“After my mother died, the Lucknow Covid Command Center told me that LMC would issue a certificate.
But, when we approached LMC, the officer shifted us to the city of Barabanki.
And, when we reached the city of Barabanki, the staff sent us back.
For 65 days Finally, I have traveled between Lucknow and Barbanki every week for certificates.
As a result, I have not been able to apply for insurance claims, “said Singh, a resident of Faridnagar.
When contacted, health workers in Barbanki City Dr.
Sudhir Chandra told TII that because the death took place in a private hospital in the Bank Barabanki Block, the Bank Nagar Panchayat office would issue a certificate.
Like Singh, many families of Covid victims face problems in insurance claims, and transfer of property or bank accounts and other benefits because they have not received the victim’s death certificate so far.
According to the rules, if a patient dies in a government hospital, the certificate of death I was issued by the hospital and the Civic body issued a certificate if death occurred in a private hospital.
Asif Shaikh (60) from Azad Nagar, a case suspected of Covid-19, died in a private hospital on April 23.
Kin, too, has not received a certificate of death from LMC so far.
“We need a certificate for transfer of property and bank account on behalf of his wife,” said there Shaikh, ASIF niece.
When contacted, the LMC Health Officer Dr.
Decree to Tii “We have issued an order to speed up the process.” Nipendra Singh from Gomtinagar lost his brother Mahendra (54) to the disease on May 16.
He is in care at RAM Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences.
“We have visited RMLim several times, but at any official official said that medical records were misplaced and asked us to come a few days later.
We need a certificate to transfer its properties to his wife.” Spokesman for RMLIs, Dr.
Srikesh Singh told Tii, “Usually, such delays did not happen.
We will direct the staff to immediately attend the case.” Raj Kumar Rastogi (59), a spice trader at Balaganj, surrendered to Covid-19 at RSM Hospital on April 24.
“After my father’s death, we cannot withdraw money from his bank account.
As a result, the business was hit hard.
Finally, after running for more than two months, I got a certificate on July 3,” said Swapnil, son of Raj.
Meanwhile, RSM Medical Officers Sumit Kumar Maharaj, “the job was stopped for some time in May.
When the staff got infected with Covid, but everything was fine now.”

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