Up: Special incentives for parents with 1 child – News2IN

Up: Special incentives for parents with 1 child

Up: Special incentives for parents with 1 child
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The Bill Bill of the proposed population control law has provisions to instill violators from two children’s norms of the benefits of the government scheme and limit the ration card unit to four.
It also proposes to limit them from fighting for local bodies, or applying for government jobs.
Those who follow two children’s norms, on the other hand, will be eligible for incentives such as two additional increases during the entire service, purchasing plots or subsidized houses, rebates at utility costs and a 3% increase in national retirement schemes.
In addition, there are special incentives, exceeding and above, for couples who stop only one child.
The Chairperson of the Law Commission of the Mittal Justice State was confirmed to the Toi that the Draf of the bill was uploaded on the official website of the Commission seeking advice from the public.
The last date for seeking suggestions was July 19, 2021.
Interestingly, the draft bill clearly said that the benefits of action would only be given to those who came in Ambit the law of two children.
The draft bill also talked about the provisions in Polygamy and Poliandry.
The bill bill will definitely be ready in August: the case of Justice Mittalin, where religious or personal law governing each individual allows for a polygamy or polyandrous marriage, there may be a set of married couples, each must consist of one man and one woman, even though Husband or wife, may be common in each set.
“Explain further through illustrations, the Draf of the bill said:” (a) personal law governing polygamy.
A has three wives B, C and D.
A and B, A and C and A will be counted as three different married couples as far as status B, C and D are concerned but so far concerning status A, it will be counted as a married couple for the purpose of calculations Cumulative number of children.
For example, A has one child from B, two children from C and one child from D, the total number of children A is four.
(B) Private laws that regulate B allow polyandry.
B has two husbands A and C.
B and A will be counted as married couples.
B and C will be counted as another married couple …
“Other incentives recommended in the draft, regardless of the mentioned above, is a soft loan for construction or buying a house with a nominal interest rate; rebate on charges for utilities such as water, electricity, water, home tax, pregnant or according to the case; 12 months father leave, with full salaries and benefits, free health care facilities and insurance coverage for couples, etc.
Those who stop in one child will get additional benefits from two additional increases.
Another benefit Includes free health care facilities and insurance protection to the only child until it reaches the age of 20; preference for the only child in acceptance in all educational institutions including but is not limited to the Institute of Indian management, all Indian management science institutes etc.; free education to graduation levels, scholarships for higher studies if girls, prefere NSI for single children in government work etc.
Incentives will apply to all citizens and not only to government employees.
Those who ignore the norm of two children after taking advantage at the next stage will be without all the benefits and the same thing will be drawn so coming to pay attention, said Justice Mittal.
He said that once the suggestions were accepted and included if they had benefits, the bill draft would be ready in two to three weeks.
Of course, it will be ready in August, Justice Mittal is confirmed.
However, whether the draft Bill will be carried out before the selection of Vidhan Sabha 2022 is still unknown.

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