Up: Third Body Dumped in Yamuna E-Way in 3 Days – News2IN

Up: Third Body Dumped in Yamuna E-Way in 3 Days

Up: Third Body Dumped in Yamuna E-Way in 3 Days
Written by news2in

Agra: The body of an unknown woman was found dumped on the Yamuna toll road near Milestone 129 in the Baldeo Mathura area on Thursday, almost 48 hours after the police had restored the body of two unknown children on the highway.
All bodies are found on the Noida-Agra route.
The woman’s body bears several signs of injury, just as those found in the body of children, who were disposed of in 5 KM stretching near the milestones of 74 and 79 in the Naujheel area and Mathura on Tuesday morning.
The police said it seemed that the woman’s body was thrown there two or three days ago.
Shirish Chandra, police supervisor (rustic), said the deceased seemed around 35 years old, had a “Om” tattoo (in Hindi) in his right hand and seemed to get married.
Women’s description and details of identification signs have been circulated to neighboring districts and countries in an effort to identify Him, he continued.
Chandra added so far, no one advanced to claim two children’s bodies.
Post-Mortem they have done and the report is awaited, he said.
SP also told the Toi that the plan was ongoing to increase the police on the toll road and more CCTV cameras would be installed on the route to monitor vehicle movements.
“We work in this direction and will receive assistance from other stakeholders if needed,” Chandra said.

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