Up: Two Sisters of Small Dalit Raped in Mainpuri – News2IN

Up: Two Sisters of Small Dalit Raped in Mainpuri

Up: Two Sisters of Small Dalit Raped in Mainpuri
Written by news2in

Agra: Two small sisters Dalit raped allegedly by two men belonging to neighboring villages in the Main Puri-Up district, on Friday night.
The police have registered fir and captured the accused.
Police said that the survivors of rape – a 17-year-old class IX student and his 16-year-old cousin sister, who were studying in class ViIith had gone to the field to relieve themselves on Friday at around 5 pm, when the two men, when Both men, when the two men – Guarav Shakya, 21, and Saurabh Shakya, 20, allegedly reached for them and dragged them deep in the fields.
The older ones were allegedly raped by Saurabh, and Guarav was allegedly trying to rape with the others, in accordance with the victim’s revelation to the police.
While one of the defendants managed to escape from the place, after the victims cried to ask for help, others were achieved by the locals and then handed over to the police.
Guarav Village is only 100 meters from the victims’ village, police said.
A pine was submitted against the Duo in Section 376 (Rape) of the IPC and the protection of children from sexual violations (Pocso) acting along with SC / ST acting at the Danaar Police Station.
While Saurabh was arrested by the police, a hunting man was launched for another accused, police said.
Station House Officer from Danhaar Police Station, Vinod Kumar, said that Saurabh was produced in court on Saturday and returned to the custody of the judiciary.
He said other defendants would be arrested soon.
Medical both girls have been done and the report is awaited.
Further investigation in this case.
In July this year, a 16-year-old girl was allegedly raped by three young men for three days, after being kidnapped, and abandoned in the subconscious and semi-naked state in the Bichwa Mainpuri region.
(Identity of the victim has not yet been disclosed to protect their privacy according to the direction of the Supreme Court about cases related to sexual violence)

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