‘Urban local body poll in TN in November-des’ – News2IN

‘Urban local body poll in TN in November-des’

'Urban local body poll in TN in November-des'
Written by news2in

TirunelVeli: The Ministry of Administration of the City, Urban and Water Supply of K Nehru has said that the selection of urban local agencies in the state will be carried out in November-December.
He said this while interacting with reporters after reviewing smart city projects and other ongoing works in Tuticorin and Tirunelveli on Saturday.
Nehru said that the election would be delayed when complaints poured in reservations to the government based on the community and gender on the journey which was passed by the AIADMK government regime later.
He said that the government worked to bring up complaints.
“Improvements cause delays.
Improvements will be completed in October, after that the urban local body election will be carried out before the end of this year,” he added.
At the promise of DMK to increase the city Panchayats to the city and city to the company, the minister said that the department concerned was in work and that the announcement would be made by cm.
For a question, he said that the basic qualification for improvement because the municipalities were more than 40,000 populations and RS 15 Crore income.
“Local bodies that meet the requirements will be studied, followed by an announcement with CM,” he added.
In Tirunelveli, he led a discussion with senior officials from companies in Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Kanyakumari, the city of Panchayats and Municipalities and Twad boards from Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kankumari and Tenkasi about the ongoing project status.
He said that all City City projects in Tirunelveli will be completed in March 2023.

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