US airliner returns in the middle flight because the passenger mask rules are opposed – News2IN

US airliner returns in the middle flight because the passenger mask rules are opposed

US airliner returns in the middle flight because the passenger mask rules are opposed
Written by news2in

Washington: A jetliner of the American airline to Miami to London turned around on Thursday because a passenger refused to wear a Covid mask, the airline said.
“A American Airlines 38 flights with services from Miami to London back to Mia because disturbing customers refused to comply with the requirements of the federal mask,” the airline said.
The police were waiting when Boeing 777 brought 129 passengers and 14 crew landed back in Miami.
When the plane landed the police drove the passenger from the plane without an incident, a police officer told CNN.
American Airlines said that while waiting for further investigations this passenger has been placed on a list of people who are prohibited from flying with airlines.
The federal flight administration said that in January 2021 will observe zero tolerance policies against people who reject federal rules mandating masks – wearing US domestic flights.
This happened when flight attendants reported many verbal and physical abuse incidents of travelers who refused to wear masks.

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