US doctor full transplant, life heart pig to human patients – News2IN

US doctor full transplant, life heart pig to human patients

US doctor full transplant, life heart pig to human patients
Written by news2in

Washington: Can pigs have wings or pigs can fly, pigs certainly can save human life.
In a landmark the first of the operation, the doctor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Outside Washington DC has managed to transplant the liver of a genetically modified pig into a patient of 57 years with terminal disease.
Patients, residents of Maryland David Bennett, are fine three days after surgery, the university’s medical center said on Monday, when the doctor who performs the operation revealed that the heart transplant works normally and creates a pulse and pressure pulse associated with the heart of the human heart.
The operation takes place on Friday and takes around eight hours.
Even though the patient was still connected to a heart-lung bypass machine which made it alive before surgery, the doctor said the new heart did most of the work and there were no signs of rejection like now.
He is expected to be released from the machine on Tuesday.
“We proceed with care, but we are also optimistic that the first operation in the world will provide important new choices for patients in the future,” Dr.
Bartley P.
Griffith, the main surgeon in the achievement of a breakthrough, while oiling the solution to the crisis lacked Organ in the long run.
While some organs and pig cells, especially the heart valves and their skin, have been used in humans before, this is the first time the heart of the full foundation is transplanted into humans.
Pioneer in the field of veterinary organ transplants – called xenotransplantation – is Pakistan-America Dr.
Mohammed Mohiuddin, a graduate of Karachi’s Dow Medical College, which with Dr.
Griffith established the Xenotransplant of the Heart Xenotransplansis and is part of the surgical team.
“This is a highly complicated peak of research to hone this technique in animals with the survival period that has achieved goes beyond nine months.
The FDA uses our data and data on experimental pigs to ratify the patient’s heart disease in the final stage who has no choice Other treatments, “said Dr.
Mohiuddin, added that the procedure that managed to provide valuable information to improve the potential method of saving in the future patients.
The doctor must enter for pork heart transplants than conventional because Bennett’s condition does not allow it to qualify for human transplants.
He had been hospitalized more than six weeks earlier with Arrythmia who threatened the life and connected to a heart-lung bypass machine, called the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), to stay alive, said the university.
In addition not to qualify for the transplant list, it is also considered not to be eligible for an artificial heart pump because of its arithmy.
He then agreed to the runway transplant even after being told about the risk.
“It’s dead or doing this transplant.
I want to live.
I know it’s a shot in the dark, but it’s my last choice,” he said the day before surgery.
According to Dr.
Griffith, when complaining about the nature of the unprecedented procedure, Bennett joked, “Well, will I oink?” Bennett won praise from the doctor and administrator because of his decision or die.
“We appreciate the extraordinary courage of the recipient of this life, which has made extraordinary decisions to participate in this innovative procedure not only to potentially extend their own life, but also for the benefits of the future of others,” Dr.
Mohan Suntha, President and CEO said system Medical University of Maryland.

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