US envoy meets the Libyan commander to encourage elections – News2IN

US envoy meets the Libyan commander to encourage elections

US envoy meets the Libyan commander to encourage elections
Written by news2in

Cairo: The US Ambassador to Libya met on Wednesday with a Libyan military commander amid international efforts to save a road map that was not ordered for elections in the North African country later this year.
Richard Norland met with Hifter Khalifa, the commander of the Arab Armed Forces of the Himself, in the Egyptian capital of Cairo.
The meeting was part of the US effort to support the Libyan Parliament and the Presidential Election in December, the US Embassy said.
Norland “continues to focus on the urgency of supporting the difficult compromise needed to determine the constitutional basis and the legal framework needed now so that the election takes place on December 24, ” The Embassy wrote on Twitter.” The United States supports the exact Libyans to choose their leaders through open democratic processes and call key figures to use their influence at this critical stage to do what is best for all Libya, “he said.
The meeting occurred amid increasing tensions between measurements and government transitions.
Hifter announced earlier this week’s promotion of military officers without consulting or getting approval from the powerful presidency.
The head of the Board serves as the highest commander of the Libyan military is fragmented.
“Your military will not be subject to any authority except the one chosen by the people,” Hifter told his troops on Monday at a ceremony that celebrates the Libyan military foundation.
Libya has been extinguished by chaos since the uprising supported by NATO Melati times.
Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 .
In the following years after the rebellion, oil-rich countries were split between the governments supported in the capital, Tripoli, and rival authorities based in the east of the country, each supported by armed groups and foreign governments.
Hifment, Egyptian allies, Helped with former government based in the East.
In April 2019, Hifter and his troops, supported by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Russia launched an attack to try and arrest Tripoli from a loosely armed group allied with the UN loose.
-Mopported but the government is weak there .
However, his long campaign, fainted after Turkey increased support His military from Tripoli-based government with hundreds of soldiers and thousands of Syria Mercen Aries.
It led to the ceasefire and October roadmap for the election of adoption in Tunis a month later, which included the transition government.
Last month, the UN special envoy for Libya, Jan said, accused “Spoilers ” trying to inhibit important election holding in December to bring together the divided nations.
He told the UN Security Council that many key players in Libya stressed their commitment.
For elections , but “I worry a lot of them are not ready to walk.
“The Security Council has warned that every individual or group that damages the selection process can face UN sanctions.
The Libyan political dialogue forum, the 75-member body of all levels of society, has so far failed to approve the legal framework to hold elections.
This forum meets online Wednesday to consider four proposals for constitutional bases for general elections, according to the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.
Forums “The lack of ability to reach an agreement (based on constitutional) is at risk of producing seizing the Libyans from their right to democratically choose their representatives and restore Libyan’s long-lost legitimacy, ” Cabbage told their forums.
The other big obstacles are The presence of thousands of foreign forces and mercenaries, and failure to attract as requested under the ceasefire agreement in October which ended the battle in the oil-rich country.

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