US, India adopts the waiting approach and watch Taliban 2.0 – News2IN

US, India adopts the waiting approach and watch Taliban 2.0

US, India adopts the waiting approach and watch Taliban 2.0
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Talks between the United States and India this week are centered on the saving of foreign policy debris in Afghanistan after the collapse of the Government of Ashraf Ghani supported by them did not immediately produce very large results in addition to the Taliban dispensation to the Taliban in Kabul.
Under the bland statement from officials on both sides that their discussion touched bilateral bonds and situations in Afghanistan lying efforts to coordinate the response to ensuring they could save hundreds of their citizens and their Afghan ally still stranded in Afghanistan, while maintaining equity with a new regime in Kabul , which has signaled the alignment with the Chinese-Pakistani shaft.
India Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla met with US partners under the Secretary of the State Wendy Sherman and then asked the State Secretary Antony Blinken on Thursday to exchange their reach against the Taliban 2.0 regime in the middle that it could be smaller Avatar that made sense originally.
Sherman, who coordinated the US response to the land situation and the humanitarian crisis that was ongoing tweeted that he discussed “joint priorities including coordination in Afghanistan, strengthening Indo-Pacific cooperation through Quad, and overcomes the crisis of the climate and pandemic Covid-19,” with Shringla.
But there are no signs that both sides tend to provide material support for the so-called Panjshir Resistance in the middle of the report that the principal, including the vice president who was overthrown by Amrullah Saleh had fled to neighboring Tajkistan, where India had two bases.
The lack of support for the remains of the northern alliance will extinguish resistance and allow the Taliban 2.0 to build almost full control over Afghanistan.
While US officials have suggested Washington and his Western allies still have significant fighting in Kabul, including more than $ 10 billion Afghan assets, he has frozen, the Taliban regime entering on Friday boldly insists that China will be his main partner and it is looking forward investment from Beijing.
“China is our most important partner and represents a fundamental and extraordinary opportunity for us, because it is ready to invest and rebuild our country,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Italian newspapers.
China has also made sympathetic sounds about the need to understand the Taliban and give it a chance.
In their part, Washington and New Delhi held a straw, with analysts noting that the incoming Taliban regime has given a green signal for the engagement of Afghan cricket (only men so far) and has indicated that it will allow women to work in several regions, but it will not be entertaining Gender mixing in academics.
It was a pleasure meeting with Indian foreign secretary @harshshringla, Ambassador @sandhutaranjits, and my senior … under Secretary of Uzra Zeya (@undersecstately) 1630600993000in efforts to coordinate the steps of women and Civil freedom Front, Shringla also met us under the Secretary of State for Civil Safety, Democracy, and Human Rights of Uzra Zeya.
“It is a pleasant meeting with Indian foreign secretary @harshshringla, Ambassador @sandhutaransars and senior MEA officials.
The US-India relations are defined by our shared democratic values.
I hope to continue to coordinate global challenges,” Zeya Tweet after meeting.
But mere words can barely match the visuals of the US-Indian pioneer dialogue that precedes a meeting of foreign secretaries.
It shows a good gender balance in US and Indian delegates – six female officials, three on both sides, balancing six people talking men.

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