US Murders soared nearly 30% by 2020, the FBI report – News2IN

US Murders soared nearly 30% by 2020, the FBI report

US Murders soared nearly 30% by 2020, the FBI report
Written by news2in

The number of murders in the United States rose by almost 30% by 2020 and overall violent crimes rose for the first time in four years, the FBI said in its annual crime report on Monday, in the attributes of partially surge expert to Covid-19.
Non-negligent murder and violations rose 29.4 percent by 2020 in 2019, marking the largest annual increase since the national record protector began in the 1960s, the New York Times and Washington Post reported.
The overall crime of violence rose 5.6% to nearly 1.3 million incidents, although property crime fell 7.8% to nearly 6.5 million incidents, marking the 18th consecutive year that property crime has declined, the FBI said.
The Federal Investigation Crime Reporting (UCR) program collects data reported by law enforcement agencies throughout the country.
The percentage of greater murder was the result of weapons violence – 76% by 2020 versus 73% in 2019 – with Houston see a 55% increase in weapons murder, reaching 343 in 2020 compared to 221 in 2019, the Washington Post reported.
President U.S.
Joe Biden has focused on weapons violence in his anti-crime policy, urging greater cooperation among local and federal leaders.
Biden, who has promised to encourage changes to firearms in June launch the steps to stem the flow of firearms used in crime, building executive orders signed in April which includes encouragement by the Ministry of Justice to control “ghosts.
“Democrats, who have old ties with law enforcement, have also announced the steps to request an evil firearm dealer to violate the federal law and help the state employ more police officers using Covid-19 rescue funds.

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