US Orders 200 Mn More Doses of Pfizer-Bontech Vaccines – News2IN

US Orders 200 Mn More Doses of Pfizer-Bontech Vaccines

US Orders 200 Mn More Doses of Pfizer-Bontech Vaccines
Written by news2in

New York: The United States will buy 200 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer and Bionech and have the option to buy additional doses to overcome the variant of the virus, the company announces Friday.
An additional 200 million doses are expected to be delivered from October 2021 to April 2022, bringing the total supplied by companies to the US government to 500 million.
The US government “also has an option to obtain an updated vaccine version to overcome potential variants, as well as new vaccine formulations, if available and authorized,” the company said in a press release.
Pfizer-Bionalech Alliance said earlier this month that they would look for regulation authorization for the third dose of their Covid-19 vaccine.
However, US health officials react carefully to the prospect of additional doses, by saying “Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need to shoot booster at this time,” according to July 8 statements from feeding food and medicine for disease.
Control and prevention.
“We are ready for a booster dose if and when science shows that they are needed,” said the agency.
The US authorities have warned that Covid-19 became “not vaccinated pandemic” because the Delta variant led to the latest surge in US infections and when the virus continued to bring havoc in other countries.

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