US Police Capitol arrested a man who parked a suspicious vehicle outside the Supreme Court – News2IN

US Police Capitol arrested a man who parked a suspicious vehicle outside the Supreme Court

US Police Capitol arrested a man who parked a suspicious vehicle outside the Supreme Court
Written by news2in

Washington: Police Capitol United States said they extracted a man from a suspicious vehicle parked illegally in front of the Supreme Court where nine judges heard oral arguments on Tuesday.
After an effort that failed to negotiate with the man, the Tactical team moved and placed it under the arrest, the Deputy Deputy Deputy Operational Services Jason Bell said at a press conference.
The man’s motive was unclear to the police.
He refused to speak except to make a “for the effect ‘statement when talking done’,” said Bell.
“At the moment there are no weapons found,” he said.
Police Capitol identified the suspect as Dale Paul Melvin (55) from Kimball, Michigan.
The department reported an investigation on Twitter and then added that an officer had extracted the driver from a sports vehicle and arrested him.
Nine judges began their new term on Monday with their first oral argument directly in 19 months due to Covid-19 pandemic.
The law enforcement authority has been held in the US capital since the January 6 riots that turned off by the supporters of President Donald Trump.
In August, a man who claimed to have a bomb in a pickup truck near the US Capitol who handed over the police after the deadlock that pared Washington’s plots for more than five hours.

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