US publishes a list of corrupt officials in Central America – News2IN

US publishes a list of corrupt officials in Central America

US publishes a list of corrupt officials in Central America
Written by news2in

Guatemala City: The US State Department has named more than 50 current officials and former officials, including former presidents and members of the active parliament, alleged corruption or damaging democracy in three Central American countries.
Many cases are known in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, but the inclusion of names on the US list supports the expectations of the anti-corruption crusaders.
This list is provided for the US Congress in accordance with the “US-Northern Enkement Enquement Enquement ” encounter driven last year by Rep US.
Eliot Engel.
The release came at the time of the Biden government had gave new attention to regional corruption as one of the factors that encouraged Central Americans To migrate to the US.
Among the most prominent figures in the list are former Honduras President Jose Porfirio “ Pepe ” Lobo Sosa and former Rosa elena de lobo.
The electricity department said Lobo Sosa took bribes from the drug cartel and his wife involved in fraud and misuse of funds.
The two denied the allegations US in New York has signaled Hernandez for funding His political climbing wi.
Bribery from drug smugglers, but he has not been formally charged.
His brother, former Federal Member of Juan Antonio `Tony ” Hernandez, was sentenced in New York in March to life in prison.
At El Salvador, a former cabinet official, a judge and head of the cabinet for President Nayib Bukele was placed on the list.
Carolina Recino’s Chief of Staff has saved a low profile because the name appears on the store list of shorter finance in May, but administrative officials said he had maintained his presence in the Office of the President.
Register on Thursday said he was involved in significant corruption by misusing public funds for personal benefits ” and participating in money laundering schemes.
In Guatemala, former President Alvaro Colom Caballeros, was accused of being involved in fraud and embezzlement in the case of a new bus system in Guatemala City.
Supreme Court Justice Manuel Duarte Barrera Allegedly “misuse his authority to influence and manipulate the appointment of judges for the position of the High Court.

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