US Secretary Antony Blinken said the North Korean missile test was ‘very destabilized’ – News2IN

US Secretary Antony Blinken said the North Korean missile test was ‘very destabilized’

US Secretary Antony Blinken said the North Korean missile test was 'very destabilized'
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: North Korean missile tests are very destabilized and dangerous, US Secretary Antony Blinken said on Thursday, adding that Pyongyang had not responded to diplomatic demands from Washington.
The Biden government on Wednesday imposed his first sanction on the North Korean weapons program after a series of North Korean missile launches, including two since last week.
Blinken said in an interview with MSNBC that the United States has explained that it does not have hostile intention to North Korea and is willing to be involved in the talk without prerequisites.
“Unfortunately, not only is not only a response to the offer, but the response we have seen …
has updated missile tests, something very destabilized, dangerous and not contrary to the entire host of the UN Security Council resolution,” Blinken said.
“I think some of them are North Korea trying to get attention,” he said.
“It’s finished in the past.
They might continue to do that.” The United States and its allies are focused on ensuring they are protected and that there is an impact on northern missile activities, Blinken added.

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