US senator aims to stop the wrong information vaccine by pursuing Tech’s legal immunity – News2IN

US senator aims to stop the wrong information vaccine by pursuing Tech’s legal immunity

US senator aims to stop the wrong information vaccine by pursuing Tech's legal immunity
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: Two democratic US senators on Thursday will add piles of bills after section 230 – laws that protect technology companies from those who are demanded on content posted by users – make the platform responsible for information related to health.
Legislation introduced by Amy Klobuchar and Ben Ray Lujan require an Internet platform such as Facebook and Google Alphabet to reduce information related to health and vaccines during public health emergencies or responsible for that failure.
It also directs the health department & human service to publish guidelines about what is a health information error.
“These are the largest and richest companies in the world and they must do more to prevent the dissemination of deadly vaccine errors,” Klobuchar said.
The bill quoted a study from the center to fight digital hatred that found a social media platform failed to act at 95 percent of the Disinformation related to Coronavirus reported to them.
Law Health misinformation is not the first technology technology shield of Senator Klobuchar, who leads the Senate Antitrust subcommittee.
Earlier this year, he sponsored another bill called a secure technology law with two Democrats.
It aims to make social media companies more responsible for allowing cyber-stalking and discrimination and discrimination on their platforms.
Google Chief Executive, Twitter and Facebook said section 230 is very important for free expressions on the internet.
They said it gave them a tool to achieve a balance between preserving free speeches and moderation content, even when they appeared open to the advice that the law requires moderate change.
Several Republican Parliament members separately were encouraged to fully legal memo on the decision by the technology platform for critical moderate content to former President Donald Trump and his supporters.
There are several other legislates aimed at changing the laws that have made a round of more than a year, including the BIPARtisan bill from Democrats Brian Schatz and the Republic of John Thune.
Trump repeatedly encouraged legal protection to be stripped naked for what was suspected of being a sensor against conservatives.

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