US to notify Critical Rail, air company to report hacking, named Chiefs Cyber – News2IN

US to notify Critical Rail, air company to report hacking, named Chiefs Cyber

WASHINGTON: Transportation security administration plans to introduce new regulations that will force railroad operators and the most important US airports to improve their Siber’s security procedures, Security Security Alejandro Maytors will announce in a speech on Wednesday.
The upcoming changes will make it mandatory for the train transit company “high risk” and “critical” airport airport and airplane operators to conduct three things: mention the official cyber head, revealing hacking to the government and the design of a recovery plan if an attack occurs.
The planned regulations came after cyber criminals attacked large US pipeline operators, causing local gas shortages along the US east coast in May.
The incident led to the new Cybersecurity rule for pipe owners in July.
“Good by air, land, or sea, our transportation system is very important strategically for our national and economic security,” Mayorkas said to say, based on the comments prepared by Reuters.
“The last year and half have shown what is at stake.” The main concern motivates new policies comes from the growth of ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure companies.
“This is the first of its kind in connection with the cyber focus,” said a senior Surition Security official, who refused to be named, about railroad security instructions and updates to aviation security programs.
Ransomware, the type of malware variant that encrypts a victim system until the owner pays a ransom in the form of cryptocurrency to hackers, has become increasingly common in recent years.
“If transportation does not work, if people cannot switch from A to B, then it can create pressure quickly [to pay a ransom],” said senior official.
This announcement also took part in the report in June the Chinese hacking group that infiltrated the New York City Metropolitan Transport Authority and August August Ransomware attack on the Southeast Pennsylvania Transport Authority, caused interference with service.
The Homeland security department helped investigate the MTA incident next to other federal agencies, including the FBI.
Last month, TSA told the private sector on the upcoming regulations, senior officials, and the current agency received feedback.
Regulations will be active before the end of 2021.

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