Uthra Murder: Court to say today’s verdict – News2IN

Uthra Murder: Court to say today’s verdict

Written by news2in

KOLLAM: The additional court session on Monday will say the verdict in the murder case of a snake bites where a woman allegedly killed by her husband using Cobra.
It was 7, May 2020 that Uthra (25) Anchal was found dead in his room at his home.
Prosecution has argued that it was one of the rare cases that was the rarest as Sooraj (27), the defendant, acted on his wife and continued the extent to which the use of snakes as a weapon.
The prosecution produced 87 witnesses, 288 documents and 40 material evidence, regardless of digital evidence.
Chavarakavu Suresh, a poundang snake that sells snakes to Sooraj is made as approver in this case.
Sooraj had tried to kill Uthra using the Viper on March 2, 20 and it was while he recovered from the snake bites that Sooraj planned another effort, again using a snake.
On the second time when Uthra was bitten by a snake, the prosecution said that Sooraj was in his room.
It also argued that the snake could not enter the room upstairs unless it was released.
The prosecution also produced evidence to prove that Sooraj had searched the internet to find out about poisonous snakes and his behavior.

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