Uttar Pradesh: Health Employees pay homage to Deceased peers – News2IN

Uttar Pradesh: Health Employees pay homage to Deceased peers

Uttar Pradesh: Health Employees pay homage to Deceased peers
Written by news2in

LUCKNOW: Healthcare employees throughout the state detected two-minute jumps on Monday day and provided tributes for their colleagues who’ve lost their own lives to Covid-19 because 2020.
They lighted candles before banners bearing photos of those who perished of Covid.
“Individuals in offices or hospitals stood in silence for a tribute to their own coworkers.
People at home lit up a candle .
We’ve asked the authorities again that reimbursement as promised to those families be compensated and their other dues like retirement also eased at the first,” stated vice-president of State Employees’ Joint Council Suneel Yadav.
The tribute has been held in conjunction with Indian Public Service Employees’ Federation, State Employees’ Joint Council, Pharmacists’ Federation, State Nurses’ Association and many others.
NHM Employees’ Association will maintain a comparable memorial service for more than 30 coworkers who perished of Covid-19 because March 2020 on June 2.

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