Vaccine the immune response is related to age – News2IN

Vaccine the immune response is related to age

Vaccine the immune response is related to age
Written by news2in

Oregon: The study of a new laboratory from Oregon Health and Science University shows that parents seem to have fewer antibodies against Coronavirus novels.
This study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Antibodies are blood proteins made by the immune system to protect against infection.
They are known as key players in protection against SARS-COV-2 infection.
“Our old population has the potential to be more susceptible to variants even if they are vaccinated,” said senior writer Fikadu Tafesse, Ph.D., assistant professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at OHSU medical school.
Tafesse and his colleagues stressed that even though they measured antibody responses that were reduced in parents, the vaccine still seemed quite effective in preventing infection and severe disease in most people of all ages.
“The good news is our vaccine is very strong,” Tafesse said.
However, with the absorption of the vaccine slowed in Oregon and throughout the United States, the researchers said their findings underlined the importance of promoting vaccination in the local community.
Vaccination reduces the spread of new viruses and variants and has the potential to transmit, especially for parents who seem to be more susceptible to breakthrough infections.
“More and more people are vaccinated, the fewer viruses circulate,” Tafesse said.
“Older people are not fully safe because they are vaccinated; the people around them really need to be vaccinated too.
In the end, this research really means that everyone needs to be vaccinated to protect the public.” The researchers measured the immune response in the blood of 50 people two weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine against Covid-19.
They group participants into age groups and then expose their blood serum in a test tube to the original SARS-COV-2 virus “SARS-COV-2 and P.1 variant (also known as GAMMA) originating from Brazil.
The youngest group – All of them in their 20s – have an increase in antibody responses almost seven times compared to the oldest group of people between 70 and 82 years.
In fact, the laboratory results reflect the clear linear development of the youngest to the oldest: the younger participants, the stronger the antibody response.
” Older people may be more susceptible to variants than younger individuals, “Tafesse said.
This finding highlights the importance of vaccinating parents and other people who might be more susceptible to Covid-19, said Co-author Marcel Curlin, MD, Medical Professor (infectious disease) in Ohsu Medical School.
“This vaccine still produces a strong immune response compared to natural infections in most Indians Vidu is older, even if they are lower than younger colleagues, “Curlin said.
“Vaccination in this group can make a difference between serious and light sickness, and the possibility of reducing the chances of transmitting SARS-COV-2 to others.”

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