Vaeh pushed the east as a new hub of agricultural exports – News2IN

Vaeh pushed the east as a new hub of agricultural exports

Written by news2in

Varanasi: After the development of Varanasi Agri-Export Hub (VAEH) with the help of the authority of the exports of agricultural and processed food products (Apeda), the eastern region of UP has emerged as a new center for the exports of the country’s agricultural products.
Working in close collaboration with the Ministry of Trade & Industry, Apeda has taken several initiatives in making the eastern eastern region of the mainland as a new goal of Agri-export activities through the development of VAEH.
Apeda has identified the potential of the district to be borne under Vaeh, including Varanasi, Mirzapur, Azamgarh, Prasagraj, Gorakhpur, Basti, Ghazipur, Jaunpur, Chandauli and Sant Ravidas Nagar.
Varanasi area, where there is an agri-export that can be ignored because of the lack of basic infrastructure, it is now a crowded with activities that have provided encouragement to export.
After the Apeda intervention, the Varanasi area has recorded exemplary changes in the export scenario and registered many of His first achievements in a very short period of time.
Region responsible and assistant General Manager of Apeda, Dr.
CB Singh said that around 20,000 metric tons (MT) of Agria products have been exported from the eastern region and above in the past six months.
“From this delivery, around 5,000 mt of fresh fruits and vegetables and 15,000 mt cereals have been exported to Vietnam, Nations Gulf, Nepal and Bangladesh with all modes of transportation.
Varanasi and the nearest area witnessed exports around 12 MT, 22 MT and 45 MT on In October, November, December respectively in 2021, “he added.
Because Varanasi is a region based in the Plateau of the Ganges, it has a rich nutrient composition with a large number of fertility that leads to the production of good quality products.
Varanasi area also has central and international level institutions such as the Institute of Indian Vegetables (IIVR), the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Banaras Hindu University (BHU).
Singh said, “At present, the Varanasi area has a number of exporters and exports of agricultural products are being carried out through air routes due to strong quarantine formation and custom clearance facilitation centers at Lal Bahadur International Airport (LBSI).” He added, “Apeda has held more than 30 capacity building programs throughout Varanasi region followed by eight international sellers, who have provided a platform to exporters to market their food products in the global market in the global market.” To monitor products and production, a AI Tech project is also being considered for approval.
Apeda also plans to take members of the Member farmer manufacturer to different successful regions to launch supply chains and market relations.
According to him, the government is also considering replicating the vanasi model in the Gorakhpur region as a geography, demographics and several other parameters that are common in both places.
The newly established international airport in Kushinagar can play an important role in triggering exports.
DDU Gorakhpur University, Indian Seed Sciences Institute, Want to be an active institution to work to promote Agri activities in the region.
Apeda has also approved three projects for comprehensive grain profiles and non-basmati rice nutrition quality, value-added products from rice and rice-based food systems.
Apeda-funded projects for integrated IT solutions to increase Agri exports in the Varanasi area are in the process.
Export delivery of the first trial 14 MT Green Chilly was facilitated by Apeda from Varanasi to Jebel Port Ali Dubai in December 2019.
For the first time, from Varanasi 3 MT fresh vegetables exported to London, fresh mango to Dubai, 1.2 mt of fresh mango to London 520 MT regional rice to Qatar and 80 MT regional rice to Australia during Covid pandemics in 2020, after the Apeda intervention.
Meanwhile, Trisagar Farmer Producer Company Ltd., which is based in the Sant Ravidas Nagar district, has begun sending shipping every day to the international market after Apeda’s intervention.
In other success stories, Shivansh Krisshak Manufacturers companies based in Ghazipur District Ltd.
with a base of 1,500 progressive farmers have managed to get a decent realization for commodities after exporting good agrian volume.
Similarly, FPO Jaya Benih farmer manufacturer company based in Varanasi Ltd., which fostered mangoes around 50 hectares, the higher prices compared to the market average price after Apeda intervention.
Before the initiative taken by the Apeda, the FPC was used to sell mangoes at an average price of Rs 25 / kg, but in the last season they had sold it at Rs 50 / kg to a Dutch-based company called Super Plum having several Bangalore and Mumbai outlets.

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