VARANATION: Three captured by STF for teen dupes – News2IN

VARANATION: Three captured by STF for teen dupes

VARANATION: Three captured by STF for teen dupes
Written by news2in

VARANATION: The Stf Varanasi Unit damages a gang cheat involved in deceiving people on behalf of regulating government work in various departments.
The STF unit arrested three gang members near the mall in the Cantonment area on Saturday night.
The people who were arrested were district residents want, Ballia and Chandauli.
The police also recover false documents from their ownership.
The people arrested were identified as Nilesh Singh aka Chhottu from Ballia, Pradeep Kumar Singh from Want and Ajay Pratap Singh of Chandauli.
They were ordered under Section 419 (cheating with personation), 420 (cheating and discussing property delivery), 467 (valuable security forgery, will), 468 (forgery for cheating), 471 (using fake documents as genuine) and 120B (conspiracy Criminal) IPC.
According to the report, after getting the input regarding the existence of a gang involved in taking pictures of people on behalf of the work of the government above and Jharkhand, STF asks the Valuaran field unit to take fast action.
Acting on the tip, the STF team led by Parihar’s chisel inspector managed to capture the Kingpin Nilesh Singh and two other gang members near the mall.
During interrogation, they recognize their involvement in deceiving young people who are unemployed in the name of government work.
They used to provide a letter of appointments for fake meetings for work in various government offices.
For this, they collect Rs.
7 lakh from each aspiran.
So far, they have been cheated about Rs.
70 lakh from several people.
Police recover fake stamp paper from various departments, false verification certificates, letter appointments fake meetings, check RS.
9 lakh, bank receipt RTGS, PAN card, aadhar card, ATM from them.

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