Vax camp for teenagers is immediately arranged in society – News2IN

Vax camp for teenagers is immediately arranged in society

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: The Gurgaon Health Department plans to conduct vaccination camps for adolescents in the age group 15-17 in the housing community.
RWA will be asked to share data on recipients who qualify in this category to prepare these camps.
To start, the officials said, condos with a large number of qualified recipients would be targeted.
Gurgaon has been inoculating 95,074 children in the 15-17 age group with the first dose of Covid vaccine since January 3.
However, has a target covering 1.51 lakh children.dr virender Yadav, a Gurgaon medical officer, said, “There are more than 1,000 housing communities at This district.
Our team has begun to reach Rwa from several people.
We will involve a large community and have many recipients who qualify in age groups.
Children from smaller communities nearby can visit these camps and get themselves They are vaccinated.
“According to Dr.
Yadav, the camps will have observation spaces, verification rooms, vaccination rooms, and harmful immunization (AEFI) (AEFI).
“If necessary, Gurgaon can also establish a night vaccination camp in the community.
We will continue our home-to-home drive because it is possible that some children, besides parents and sick people, have not received their booster dose.” With the intention to speed up the process Vaccination, Gurgaon has extended home-to-home driving for children at rural waist by establishing camps in 81 health sub-centers.
At present, Gurgaon has 160 centers for Covid vaccinations.
It will jump to 260 next week.
As many as 50 session sites each will be arranged for those aged between 15-17 years, and those aged 60 years and over.
Meanwhile, Ashas and Auxiliary nurse midwives who are equipped with Kit AEFI will drive the door to the door at 37 rustic areas on Friday.
On Thursday, 1,318 people in the bracket aged 15-17 vaccinated in Gurgaon while 7,713 people in 18,713 people in 18,713 people in 18,713 people in 18,713 people -44 groups, 974 were between 45 and 59 years and 1,344 people over 60 they.
420 health workers and 404 frontline workers are also inoculated.
On the 12th day of the booster vaccination drive, 1,868 the recipient received a prudential dose.

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