Vax from teenagers with comcumbly comorbidities in October – News2IN

Vax from teenagers with comcumbly comorbidities in October

Pune: The Union Government wants to start vaccination of adolescent children with a comor from mid-October this year with the Zycov-D three dose vaccine and a healthy under-age child will be inoculated next year after all adults are closed, said Dr.
Nk Arora, Chairman of the Advisory Group National technical about the immunization of the Covid-19 working group.
“The meeting will soon be held to prepare a list of comorbidities and complete the protocol so that it can be implemented,” he told TI.
Teenagers with comorbidities consist of less than 1% of 12 crore children in the age group 12-17 years.
There are around 44 crore children under 18 years in this country.
Arora, the National Technical Advisory Group of Immunization (Ntagi) Chair of the Covid-19 working group, said they had convinced one dose of Zycov-D vaccine crore every month from October.
He said, “The manufacturing capacity for Zycov-D is about one dose of crore per month.
Thus, around three doses of crores will be available for the national immunization program this year.” The first-based Covid-19 vaccine was developed by the original, Zycov-D Receiving authorization of emergency use (EUA) from the drug regulator on August 20, making it the first vaccine given to the age group 12-18 years in India.
Arora said when they started an adult vaccination program, they had prioritized the elderly and people with comorbidity before being available for all above 18.
Likewise, for children, priorities will be given to those who have comorbidities such as heart disease and kidney disease because They tend to develop severe covid infections.
“Vaccination of healthy children will begin after an adult immunization program is finished,” he said.
At present, Covishield, Covaxin, and Sputnik V vaccine are being given only at 18 years.
Unlike Zycov-D, which is a three-dose vaccine, this is given in two doses.
Covaxin is being tested in children over two years and the results must be available in the next two-three months, said Arora.

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