Vax to continue, but stock can last 1 day – News2IN

Vax to continue, but stock can last 1 day

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Vaccination Covid-19 will be continued in covishield centers for free from Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) after four days and Zilla Parishad (ZP) after two days, on Saturday.
Inoculation will be again affected on Sundays because the district only received 45,100 covishield doses as against the request of 3.5 lakh doses.
Vaccination will not be continued at the usual time at 9 am on Saturday.
It will be postponed and the possibility will be continued at around 11am-12noon.
NMC and ZP received a dose at around 9pm on Friday.
Dosage distribution will be carried out in the morning on Saturday.
Therefore, it will take the time to supply doses in all centers.
During the last four days, there was no vaccination at 121 central 122 Covishield NMC in the city due to lack of dosage.
In rural areas, there was no covishield vaccination for the past two days.
In accordance with the data of the State Public Health Department (PhD), the district received 45,100 of the 11 doses of lakh supplied to Maharashtra by the center.
NMC received 26,000 doses and the remaining 19,100 went to ZP.
The dose is quite only for one day.
The source of NMC said there was no fresh stock opportunity on Saturday, so vaccination would likely be affected again on Sunday.
On June 28, the Minister Guardian Nitin Raut had told the Toi that he demanded a supply of 3.5 lakh doses per day for the district, and that it must accept at least 3.5 doses of lakh in a week.
He also continued to say that the district could also manage 3.5 lakh doses in a day.
The center does not supply the number of doses needed to the state, he has added.
The demand for vaccine bottles has increased multiply since the resumption of the 18-44 year age group on June 23.
After the resumption, the district has received 40,600 doses at 24 and 24,000 doses on June 26 – a total of 64,600.
On Friday, the district received 45,100 doses.
Thus, gets 1,09,700 doses in the last nine days.
On Friday, Pune District received a dose of 1.25 lakh.
On June 24 and 26, this district received 2.48,280 doses.
This requires a total dose allocated for Pune District to 3,73,280 in the last nine days.
In accordance with PhD, the estimated population of Nagpur Regency is 52.72 lakh, and Pune District 1.17 Crore.
While the population of Pune District is about doubled from Nagpur Regency, the first received 3.4 times the last dose of vaccines.
The Nagpur district also received 4,400 covaxin doses, while the allocation of 30,600 for Pune District.
NMC Additional Commissioner of Ram Joshi City said the number of centers in the city had been upgraded from 126 to 143.
“Four centers will be for Covaxin and 139 centers left for covishield.
The first and second doses for the 18-plus age group will be provided at 139 covishield centers,” he said.
Joshi added, “The first and second doses only 45-plus will be allowed in the three covaxin centers – expensive Diagnostic Center and Khobragade Hall (Extension of Dr.
Ambedkar Hospital).
The second dose for the 18-44-year-old group will be permitted at another expensive center of Diagnostic Center.
“Vaccination continues in 10 private centers.
2,531 people took Jab in these centers on Friday.

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