Vax urban-rural gap in Gurgaon too but that is unusual – News2IN

Vax urban-rural gap in Gurgaon too but that is unusual

Vax urban-rural gap in Gurgaon too but that is unusual
Written by news2in

Gurgaon: Urban-rural gap – with disadvantaged villages – has emerged as a major concern for vaccination in Haryana and other countries, but in Gurgaon, the rural areas have better coverage than urban areas.
So far, 81.5% of rural populations in the district have received their first jab, compared to 73.3% in urban areas.
In addition, 25.7% of rural populations have received their second jab.
In urban areas, the second dose coverage is 19.8%.
But in absolute counts, the urban area is far ahead.
But that is mainly because the gurgaon population is dominated by urban areas.
Based on the 2011 census, the total population of district projections that qualified for vaccination was 17.41,000.
Of these, 3,91,707 in rural areas.
The rate of vaccination in rural areas has increased due to more regulated cohort facilities, in addition to pick-and-drop facilities provided to the recipient by the Ministry of Health.
The Gurgaon Health Department said that he held a vaccination camp in its sub-center, namely the branches of the primary health care center.
“To vaccinate more people in rural areas we have established camps in areas within the rural population.
We organize cohort facilities in rural areas where Asha workers mobilize people to come for vaccination.
Also, we use more than 30 sub -The center located in rural areas to improve the drive, “said Gurgaon’s medical head, said Virender Yadav.
Reaching community leaders and Panchayat members from each village in the district also work for health workers.
“We have established camps at the community level and Panchayat office.
This creates a buzz in rural areas.
Our team mobilizes the door to the door for vaccination and we also flared into local leaders who motivated people to be vaccinated,” Yadav said.
According to the data department data, Gurgaon has carried out 12,000 session sites in urban areas and 4,000 sessions in rural settings so far.
“Pick-and-drop facilities have been hit in rural areas.
We have provided this facility to people who are disabled and have health problems too,” said Dr Neeru, senior medical officers, civil hospitals, Pataudi.
Meanwhile, the Haryana government has directed all districts to aggressively to make session sites at the community level to vaccinate all the maturity for their second dose and to increase vaccination in rural areas.
Rajiv Arora has directed the deputy commissioner of the district to ensure that vaccination work in rural areas must be accelerated and especially focus on the second dose.
On July 16, seven Gurgaon villages reached the status of receiving 100% first dose to the population who qualified.
These villages are Hamirpur and Khetawas, Aklimpur, Hasanpur, Nurpur, Khuntpuri and Meako.
The villagers need convincingly to take the Covid vaccine at first, which requires many visits by health officials to their homes.
According to the health department official in these villages, older recipients get the first jab and motivate children.
Therefore, health officials target older generations to get Jab in rural areas, which eventually inspire younger ones.

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