Veins of cellular vaccination for police tend to regard the road next week – News2IN

Veins of cellular vaccination for police tend to regard the road next week

Written by news2in

Ludhiana: Like Covid Case Chart Tanjakan, infection spread quickly between police personnel too.
In the last five days, 18 police have been tested positively.
City police are now working on cellular vaccination vans, who will visit the police who are in charge of managing their JABS.OON January 10, three police officers, including the assistant Commissioner of Police, sub-inspectors and assistant sub-inspectors, besides a police doctor Ludhiana, has tested positive covid.
In accordance with data on January 14, 15 other police personnel have contracted a virus none of them needed hospitalization and were in house isolation.
We have formed a Covid monitoring control room that stores the Daily Tab on positive police and their family members.
If needed, they are also provided by a doctor’s consultation.
“The vaccination camp was specifically held at the police line for the police to manage their booster dose.” Ninety-nine percent of the police Momisaria Ludhiana had received the first dose of vaccine.
The rest have medical reasons.
About 93% of the police have received the second dose.
Drive vaccination is still on.
In addition, the booster dose is also administered.
So far, around 250 police personnel and paramilitary forces, who have reached Ludhiana for the election of upcoming meetings, has been given a booster dose, “he added” because the police have been deployed to the assignment of elections, which they cannot ignore, Mobile Van will reach them to Visit them.
We can finish and implement it next week, “he said.
According to the Guidelines for the Government of Punjab, wearing masks has been made mandatory at all police stations, including police stations.

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