‘Very poor’ gurgaon air for 4 consecutive days – News2IN

‘Very poor’ gurgaon air for 4 consecutive days

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: City air quality increases marginal on Thursday but continues to remain in the ‘very poor’ category for the fourth day in a row, with AQI recorded at 323 compared to 344 days ago.
Experts say a minimum temperature minimum increase, from 10.8 degrees Wednesday Celsius up to 11.7 degrees, has allowed pollutants to dissolve for the past 24 hours.
The four weather monitoring stations throughout the city recorded dangerous air quality.
While Vikas Sadan recorded the highest AQI 355, sector 51 stations noted AQI 324, Teri Gram 313, and Gwaldahari 301.
In Faridabad, air quality recorded a marginal increase with AQI on average 348 on the day, from AQI 378 Wednesday.
On a scale of 0-500, the value of the 301-400 AQI is considered ‘very poor’ and the value above 400 is considered ‘severe’.
According to the Indian Meteorology Department (IMD), Aqi is likely to remain in the ‘very poor’ category for a few more days with a cold wind blowing northwest from the mountains which are further covered in snow lowered the temperature above a few days later.
Sachin Panwar, an independent environmental expert, told TII that thermal inversion, which was very strong during the winter in the region due to a minimum temperature decline, was one of the key factors behind the air quality.
“This is a natural phenomenon that involves changes in normal air tendencies to cool with heights.
Usually, at night, the earth’s surface cools quickly, transmits it as cool to the atmosphere that is closest to the land.
This is what happens now.
All pollutants travel horizontally because of Thermal inversion and as a result, the region has become a ‘gas room’, “Panwar said, added that AQI could be expected to increase if the wind speed increased and the temperature rises.
Officials of the State Polution Control Board Haryana (HSPCB), meanwhile, said the authorities of citizenship and other institutions concerned followed all actions under the action of the Responses (GRAP) in the entire state.
“We follow all the directions received from Caqm to ensure that air pollution goes down the earliest.
Every district is working on a long-term and short-term action plan that has been distributed by the previous board,” Narayana said, the secretary of pollution, HSPCB said.

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