Victoria Australia to lift the covid-19 sidewalk, Sydney case rose – News2IN

Victoria Australia to lift the covid-19 sidewalk, Sydney case rose

Victoria Australia to lift the covid-19 sidewalk, Sydney case rose
Written by news2in

Canberra: The Australian Victoria state said on Tuesday it would lift a tight chef after limiting the spread of Covid-19, while Neighbors New South Wales faced an extension of the limit after new cases that jumped to the top of 16 months.
More than half of Australia approached 26 million populations was locked in recent weeks after the rupture of a very contagious Delta variant held the capital New South Wales Sydney and spread to the three countries.
New South Wales reported 172 Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, up from 145 the day before, with at least 60 spent time in the community while contagious.
New South Wales Premier Gladys Kemulian said the decision whether to extend the five-week lockdown will be taken this week.
But with less than 13% of the state population fully vaccinated, the sidewalk is expected to remain.
On the contrary, Victoria said most of the restrictions imposed on July 15 will be removed from Wednesday after recording only 10 infections of people who have been in quarantine.
“All in all, this is a good day,” said Victoria State Premier Daniel Andrews to reporters in Melbourne.
The 5 million population of Victoria will now be allowed to leave the house freely and the school will be reopened, even though households will not be allowed to have visitors, said Andrews.
Locking has raised the prospect of Australia who recorded the second recession for years, although Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said on Tuesday talk about this premature.
Frydenberg said the last week of the economy worth $ 2 trillion ($ 1.5 trillion) is expected to shrink in the latest GDP figures, with locking costs around $ 300 million every day.
Track fast contacts, rules and tough social lockers have helped Australia to maintain a low number of Covid-19, with only below 33,100 cases and 920 deaths since the first pandemic appeared at the beginning of 2020.
However, the outbreak in Sydney had seen the inpatient wave and 10 deaths in recent weeks.
New South Wales said 169 people at the hospital with a virus, where 46 was in intensive care.
In the midst of increasing concerns about the inpatient series of young people, Australia has urged people to take the Covid-19 vaccine astrazeneca after struggling to secure sufficient inventory of pfizer inoculation.
The previous authorities only recommend only the 60s to take astrazeneca shots after the blood clotting case is rare but serious.

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