After celebrating Diwali in Dubai, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli returned home.
Anushka has joined the husband of Virat Kohli in Dubai where he led Indian forces for the T20 World Cup.
On Saturday afternoon, the couple gasped at Kalina Mumbai Airport.
While Virat loaded the car, Anushka was seen with a vamic princess tied up front.
The actress made sure to protect the vamica from Paparazzi.
See this post on Instagram posts distributed by Etimes (@etimes)
The couple was very careful in protecting Vamika from Paparazzi and also decided not to expose it to social media.
Talking about their decision, Virat has shared on Instagram, “We have decided as a partner not to explain our child to social media before he has an understanding of what social media and can make his own choice.”
Also read Sharma thinks a lot of Vamika’s daughter like her, said ‘I found her very determined’
Recently Anushka Sharma was open about parenting and told Grazia magazine, “I feel very determined.
I feel that if he wants to do something then he will do it, and I can say that it will serve some goals for him in life.
Nice to see it Because I thought I was like that too.
My role was guiding and supporting it, becoming his voice board without micro or too controlling.
I think the important thing to absorb your child is loving and compassionate to everyone.
As a parent, many learning must be done by us – at least, that’s what I feel.
Children teach you a lot if you are attentive.
For me, it’s important to accept my daughter like him and for him to grow with confidence in knowing that.
If you give your child a room Required, hopefully, they will develop and engrave niches for themselves.
Read Ånsanushka Sharma to become an actor and mother: no role that defines me completely