Visitors to Pune airport annoyed over various parking fees – News2IN

Visitors to Pune airport annoyed over various parking fees

Visitors to Pune airport annoyed over various parking fees
Written by news2in

Pune: Mehul Darooka, a writer, recently went to the airport in his car to pick up his guests.
He was on his way out when he was asked to pay RS50 as an accusation of parking.
The explanation was that he had entered the arrival area just a few minutes falling in deaf ears.
He falsified it because he didn’t want to make a scene in front of his guest.
“The authorities must intervene to stop such malpractices at the airport,” he said.
Kshitij Kaskar, a resident of Koregaon Park, faced a similar situation at the end of last month when he went to the airport to drop his father.
“When I got out of the airport, parking representatives asked me to pay RS85.
I argue with him for a while, but realizing it was useless.
The ticket he gave me is for public transport vehicles,” he said.
Babalal Yadav, the General Manager of the Lovelin company based in Delhi, who manages parking at the airport, said that the fine RS500 must be paid by any private vehicle entering the departure area and stayed for more than five minutes.
“Some pay RS50 or RS100.
We have been told by the airport authority to collect the amount to ensure that the airport is not crowded,” he said.
Director of Airport Pune Santosh Dhoke said that he would request an update about this problem before commenting on it.
Dhairyashil Vandekar flight analyst said this problem requires immediate investigation.
“In the airport making profits like Pune, it is a government duty to ensure that passengers do not go,” he said.

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