Vital city installation exposed threats because CCTV stops functioning – News2IN

Vital city installation exposed threats because CCTV stops functioning

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Vital and sensitive city installation is without CCTV coverage protection on Wednesday, because private operators stop CCTV servers for pending payment issues.
It loses the police and this city administration to a record of 3,700 cameras throughout the city.
City police and civil administration are left confused after private operators decide to disconnect the CCTV server in the city, making it very vulnerable from a security standpoint.
Senior officials from Nagpur City Development Corporation Limited confirmed that the company involved in operating the supervision system has stopped the video system from the command and control center for payment payable.
“Only the video is active, the system is off.
Our access to video recording is stopped but the supervision system in the entire city is underway,” the official said.
The camera is installed in an important box, road, wifi service etc.
all function and even records are ongoing.
The official claimed that payments to private companies were being carried out from the Mahait office in Mumbai.
Sources in the Police Department said senior citizens were robbed by a chain snatch in Central Nagpur but the police were left not to understand the robbery.
“Citizens are left exposed to the threat of street crimes and the police have small instructions to track the perpetrators,” said a police officer.
Even the traffic police were left in a narrow place because they could not get a backup of the command and control system.
CP Amitesh Kumar said this problem was being sorted at the government level.
“We have asked vendors not to make drastic decisions unilaterally, which can endanger city security,” he said.

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