Walmart requires a mask for US retail workers at Covid-19 Hotspot – News2IN

Walmart requires a mask for US retail workers at Covid-19 Hotspot

Walmart requires a mask for US retail workers at Covid-19 Hotspot
Written by news2in

Walmart Inc.
(WMT.N) has made it mandatory for retail workers in the US Regency with a substantial or high Coronavirus transmission to wear masks in shops, clubs and distribution centers, according to memo.
This step emerged when US health officials said earlier this week Americans were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 had to return to wear masks in public places in the areas where Coronavirus spread quickly.
The world’s largest retailer said in May, a fully vaccinated employee can work without a mask.
This memo also shows Walmart retail workers will post signage in his shop to encourage customers to wear masks.
Retail workers will also receive an incentive of $ 150, double the amount paid, to be investigated, with those paid $ 75 sets to receive the rest of the next month.
Store managers must regularly examine US centers for controlling diseases and prevention websites for potential changes to mask guides in different locations, the memo is added.
Bloomberg News reports earlier this week, Apple Inc.’s plan to restore the policy of mask requirements in most US retail stores, even for customers and vaccinated staff.

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