Walmart’s Flipkart Go to the Supreme Court in Antitrust Case: Report – News2IN

Walmart’s Flipkart Go to the Supreme Court in Antitrust Case: Report

Walmart's Flipkart Go to the Supreme Court in Antitrust Case: Report
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Flipkart Walmart has appealed to the Indian Supreme Court against the state court decision that allows an antimonopolic investigation into e-commerce companies and rivals Inc.
to continue, three sources told Reuters on Tuesday.
The Karnataka High Court last week fired a case submitted by Amazon and Flipkart who tried to cancel the Indian Investigation Commission (CCI).
Companies denied mistakes, but the court said, “They should not feel ashamed to face an investigation.” On Tuesday, Flipkart appealed at the Supreme Court, challenging the decision, three people who were familiar with the trial.
More details about challenges, or flipkart requests, are not immediately clear.
The Supreme Court website shows Flipkart has submitted a case against CCI and other parties, without providing further details.
Flipkart does not immediately respond to a comment request.
Amazon is also expected to appeal against a high court ruling, according to people who are familiar with this case.
CCI investigations are the latest setbacks for Amazon and Flipkart, which are wrestling with the outlook for harder e-commerce regulations and charges of brick and mortar retailers who are stranded by Indian companies by creating complex business structures.
The company faces several accusations in this case, including exclusive mobile launches, select seller promotions on their websites and Discount Practices that expel competition.

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