Want to monitor sound pollution? Help Neer. – News2IN

Want to monitor sound pollution? Help Neer.

Written by news2in

Nagpur: In the unique initiative, the National Environment The Engineering Engineer Research Institute (NEEI) will collect sound pollution data during the season of the Diwali celebration through crowdsourcing.
Below, data on noise pollution caused by crackers will be collected with the help of the noise tracking application.
According to the release by neeri, a large number of volunteers have advanced to share data for this cause.
This institution has appealed to interested citizens, especially students and people who care about the environment to be part of this noise data collection campaign that will be held between 3-5.Sem per official, they need to download ‘noise tracker.
‘Application from the Google Play Store and measure the noise level by keeping cellular GPS.
“Data will be automatically distributed with our cloud storage.
Or, they can share data on WhatsApp No.
9423630016, 7066083553, and even call these numbers for guidance and support,” the official said.
Volunteers have been asked to record at least three readings near their residence with a safe distance of a minimum of 20 meters from the frague area of ​​crackers.
They are advised not to talk or make other sounds during monitoring to maintain accuracy during measurements.

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