Wanted gold hallmarking to come into Pressure in Wed – News2IN

Wanted gold hallmarking to come into Pressure in Wed

Wanted gold hallmarking to come into Pressure in Wed
Written by news2in

NEW DELHI: The Centre on Tuesday said compulsory hallmarking of gold jewellery and artefacts will come in force from June 16 at a phased fashion and initially will be put into place in 256 districts.
A conclusion in this respect was taken following a meeting chaired by user affairs minister Piyush Goyal with business stakeholders.
In November 2019the authorities had declared that hallmarking of gold jewellery and artefacts could be made compulsory across the nation in January 15, 2021.
However, the deadline had been extended for four weeks until June 1 and afterwards till June 15 following the jewellers hunted longer in light of the outbreak.
Gold hallmarking is a marvel certification of this precious metal and can be voluntary in character currently.
“Wanted hallmarking of gold jewelry will come in to force from tomorrowJune 16, 2021,” consumer affairs secretary Leena Nandan told PTI.
It’ll be implemented in a phased fashion and originally in 256 areas of this nation that have Assaying indicating centers, she said adding that business concerns were addressed at the assembly.
Jewellers with yearly turnover up to Rs 40 lakh will be deducted from compulsory hallmarking, said a statement issued following the meeting.
By June 16, jewellers at 256 districts will be permitted to sell just 14, 18 and 22 carats of silver jewelry.
The BIS was conducting a hallmarking strategy for gold jewelry since April 2000.
Approximately 40 percent of gold jewelry has been hallmarked now.

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