Watch: What happened to the Apple iPhone that fell on the runway – News2IN

Watch: What happened to the Apple iPhone that fell on the runway

Watch: What happened to the Apple iPhone that fell on the runway
Written by news2in

Not without reason why Apple iPhone is considered one of the best cellphones throughout the world.
Performance, features, cameras, security and safety – iPhone has everything – as soon as the fans said.
Over the years, there are many stories about how the iPhone survives for days at the bottom of the lake and falls from a large height.
Adding a list is the story of a pilot that drops his iPhone on the runway just before the plane will take off.
The incident occurred at Orlando executive airport in the US.
The seminol aircraft pilot accidentally dropped the iPhone on the runway.
It is not clear how the pilot dropped his iPhone.
However, he managed to remind the control of air traffic (ATC) which delivered the details to the air traffic control tower.
The iPhone was later discovered by the team on the runway after the traffic was cleaned.
And for everyone’s surprise, the device does not face damage.
The screen doesn’t break and really intact.
Conversation between air traffic control crew at the airport is available in the video below: This is a conversation like what happens in the video above.
Operation 2: “I held A8, holding back the runway 7.
I have a pilot from the seminol who said he dropped his iPhone on the runway.” Air traffic control tower: “Okay, where on the runway?” Operation 2: “He saw the satellite and said it was about a thousand feet down, right to the right of the midline.
We will try to find it.” After a while, the air traffic control gave ahead to find an iPhone on the runway after clear traffic .
Operation 2: “Hey, we found it!” Air traffic control tower: “Okay …
be a good story for Apple if he turns it on and it works.” Operation 2: “It works!” Now Orlando’s land control enters the conversation.
Orlando Ground: “How ruined the screen?” Operation 2: “No, it’s in perfect condition and functioning!” Orlando Ground: Not possible! Operation 2: “And the satellite thing has it identical where it is exactly where it is.” Orlando Ground: “It must be wrapped like a concrete block or something.” Operation 2: “It works well.” Orlando Ground: “There’s no way an iPhone fell from the plane to go 50-60 miles per hour and doesn’t break the screen.” Operation 2: “Well, we got new support here!” Orlando Ground: “I still haven’t trusted you.
I mean, I actually didn’t try to call you a liar, but I’ve never seen an iPhone fall more than four feet and don’t break half.” You can hear conversations through the video attached below.

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