WB: Bissyit Das succeeds in returning to TMC – News2IN

WB: Bissyit Das succeeds in returning to TMC

WB: Bissyit Das succeeds in returning to TMC
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Bagda MLA BJP Bisajit Das on Tuesday joined the Trinamool Congress, the third Saffron Party legislator to do so because the results of the poll were declared in May.
Das, Trinamool legislator twice, has switched to BJP in 2019.
“I have never felt comfortable at BJP.
I want to go back to TMC Lama.
BJP doesn’t do anything for Bengal.
This is an outsider party and can never understand the pulse Countries, “he said after joining the party before the Secretary General of TMC Parha Chatterjee.
Das said he had left Trinamool in 2019 because of a misunderstanding.
“There are some misunderstandings with the party.
It would be better if I didn’t leave a party.
But now it feels like homecoming for me,” he said.
Chatterjee, also the Minister of Industry, said BJP had “tried to take revenge after the poll” against TMC after it failed in the assembly poll.
“We will fight BJP politically.
It tries to underestimate Bengal people, but States people will not tolerate this,” he said.
On Monday, another BJP legislator, Tanmoy Ghosh, has returned to TMC.
Suvendu Adhikari, opposition leader, on Tuesday sent notice to Das and Ghosh told them that steps would be taken against them under the anti-defense law.
Previously, in June, BJP MLA and the National Vice President of the Party beat Roy rejoined TMC.
Bypolls are currently due in seven countries’ seats.
BJP State President Dilip Ghosh said those who had changed the actual side would never embrace the ideology and principle of his party.
“We welcome everyone who is willing to fight against TMC.
Because we don’t have power, they feel they have to go back to TMC, maybe.
But after replacing the side, they must resign as BJP Mlaas,” he added.
CS-EC Meeting About Bypolls Today: Head of Secretary Bengal H K Dwivi will hold a virtual meeting with electoral commission officials on Wednesday to discuss the feasibility of doing Bypolls to seven assembly seats in the state.

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