WB RESHUFFLE: Mitra becomes the main main advisor CM – News2IN

WB RESHUFFLE: Mitra becomes the main main advisor CM

WB RESHUFFLE: Mitra becomes the main main advisor CM
Written by news2in

Kolkata: The government of Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday influenced its reshuffle since May, made the Minister of Finance Exports Amit Mitra Head of the Head of the CM and the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of Public Health Engineering Polaps in the additional fees from the Panchayat Department and consumer affairs.
CM Banerjee makes the Ministry of Finance crucial with itself; Chandrima Bhattacharya took over as the Minister of State Finance.
Partners, who used to represent Khardah in the Assembly, did not fight the Assembly poll for health reasons.
CM Banerjee, however, did not want to release partners from the Department of Economics Presidences conducting postgraduate studies of the Delhi School of Economics and later Duke University in the US – and asked him to continue with the appointment of new cabinet rankings.
Partners will “suggest and help” cm about things related to finance, representing Bengal in national and international events and checking documents that refer to advice and views.
Banerjee now has eight important departments: financial affairs, houses and hills, health and family welfare, land and land reforms, information on cultural affairs, development of North Bengal and Rehabilitation and Refuantician and administration.
However, with partners in the midst of the things that least in the field of finance, he can also focus on political battles against BJP in Bengal and elsewhere while treating his administrative responsibility.
The Perbayat Department fell passively after the death of Subrata Mukherjee.
The minister of consumer affairs department came out, Sadhan Pande, too, did not fit well.
Trade of State and Minister of Industry Partha Chatterjee is a new minister for public companies and industrial reconstruction departments, held by Mukherjee.
The state of the state, the development of children and the Minister of Welfare of Social Welfare Sashi Panja will take additional allegations from the Swadaya group and the entrepreneurial department, also held by Mukherjee.
Remote Tuesday leveled speculation that some vacancies will see new faces.
There are also no changes in the urban and city department; Bhattacharya continues as the Minister of State with an independent charge.
He is also the Minister of State for Health Reform, Land and Land and Refugees Department and Rehabilitation.
Some of these departments have CM as a cabinet minister.

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