‘We have technology capabilities to see Rogue’s drone, the happiest thought after giving India’s first air map for drones – News2IN

‘We have technology capabilities to see Rogue’s drone, the happiest thought after giving India’s first air map for drones

'We have technology capabilities to see Rogue's drone, the happiest thought after giving India's first air map for drones
Written by news2in

The Indian government recently introduced online air maps for drones, which are available on the DigitalSky website, to help citizens know where they can fly their drones and what documents are needed to fly drones in certain areas.
As part of the “Liberalized Drone Rules, 2021”, the DigitalSky platform, was developed and organized by the happiest thought technology, mainly intended to provide information and register new drone manufacturers and operators in India.
After saying that, the company told me that technology was able to help law enforcement agencies in seeing evil drones or drones flying without registration in real-time.
AuroBindo Nanda, President – Operations & Deputy Chief Executive, PES on the Most Happy Mind in Conversation with the Times of India – Gadgetsnow said, “We currently provide the technology needed for drone registration and operators along with other aspects of the digitalsky platform.
We work according to Government guidelines and we provide what the government wants us.
We can technology be able to provide better support and more digital assistance to the government if demanded in the future.
“As one of the main tasks of the DigitalSky platform is the registration of drones and operators, questions The next real appearance is what happens to users who do not follow the rules and fly drones (beyond the allowed limits) without the correct document? Replying to this concern, Nanda explained, “The new drone rules relaxed and most civilian drone pilots do not require documents.
But we cannot rule out the possibility”.
For those who are unconscious, remote pilot licenses are not needed for micro drones (for non-commercial use) and nano drones.
Also, according to the new rules, there are no requirements for security permissions before the issuance of registration or license.
Talking about whether the happiest thought will be in a position to provide support to see Rogue’s drone, Nanda said, “We have a technical means to find unknown drones flying in the air, breaking the rules, and providing real-time information about its location to the Law of Institutions Law enforcement.
If there is a request (from the government), we are able to technology to provide the support.
“How to read AirSpace maps for Dronetit without saying that the zone marked in red cannot be accessed by civilians unless there is permission from the Government and other related departments Including the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Indian Air Force and DGCA.
No required permission for drone operations in the green zone.
The green zone means air space to a vertical distance of 400 feet or 120 meters has not been determined as a red zone or the yellow zone on the map of the airspace.
Green Zone also covers the airspace to a vertical distance of 200 feet or 60 meters above the area located between lateral distances 8 and 12 kilometers from the operational airport perimeter.
On the other hand, the yellow zone is designated as an airspace above 400 feet or 120 meters in the green zone and above 200 feet or 60 meters from lateral distance 8 and 12 kilometers from the operational airport perimeter.
It also covers the airspace above the ground between 5 and 8 kilometers of the airport boundary wall.
In accordance with new regulations, the yellow zone has been reduced from 45 km to 12 km from the airport perimeter.

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