We need to move the travel industry again: UK PM Johnson – News2IN

We need to move the travel industry again: UK PM Johnson

We need to move the travel industry again: UK PM Johnson
Written by news2in

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday that he wanted to make the travel industry move again with an easy-to-use rule system for travel abroad.
“We need to make people, make the travel industry move again,” Johnson told reporters.
“We want an application that is as simple as possible to make it.” England reopened his borders to most of the world on Monday, applying quarantine for entirely vaccinated arrivals from the European Union, not including France, and the United States.
But the urge to the dim travel industry with speculation that the government can also immediately slap new rules on holidays.
The Times newspaper reported Covid-19 warnings against trips to Spain, the most popular destinations in the UK, most likely.
Spain can continue the new risk category – “AMBER compulsion list” – means that it can be increased to “red” with short notice, with arrival must be quarantined at the hotel, said The Times.
Asked about the possibility of Johnson’s coercion list “said that people must remember that Covid-19 remained dangerous.
“We must try and stop the incoming variant, must stop importing variants from abroad, so we must have a balanced approach,” he said.
“What I want to see is something simple and user friendly for people as much as possible.”

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