We will work with the Taliban ‘if the standard meets – News2IN

We will work with the Taliban ‘if the standard meets

We will work with the Taliban 'if the standard meets
Written by news2in

The United Nations: The United States has a message for the Taliban: if it fulfills all its commitments, bringing greater stability to Afghanistan and the region, showing extensive inclusion, and protecting the advantage of the last 20 years `we will work.
with that.
“But US Deputy Ambassador Jeffrey Delaurentis, who delivered a message at the UN Security Council meeting on Thursday, emphasized that` `whatever legitimacy and support must be obtained.
“He said the international community standards have been established clearly and includes facilitating safe engagement for Afghans and foreign citizens who want to leave Afghanistan and respect the country’s obligations under the International Humanitarian Law` `including those related to the protection of civilians.
“We watched carefully to see it.
Standards are fulfilled, “he said.
Delaurentis told the council that following the US withdrawal and the Taliban takeover, Afghanistan needed the United Nations and a UN political mission in this country ‘more than before.
‘”He said” The United States remains committed to Afghans, “and as the largest humanitarian donor in the country is helping partners in the field provide assistance,` `but his needs are broad.” With a diplomatic footprint in the country reduced, Delaurentis said, ‘the United Nations has a very important role.
To play “not only in coordination assistance but in preventing violations and violations of human rights and pursuing accountability for those who have occurred, and in protecting children and civilians.

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