Wearing mandated masks in the house also for safety: expression – News2IN

Wearing mandated masks in the house also for safety: expression

Wearing mandated masks in the house also for safety: expression
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Guardian Minister Nitin Raut said wearing a mask was mandatory in the house too, while expressing concerns even to the owner of the medical store and the staff did not wear a mask.
Overcoming the public after a surge in positive Covid-19 cases in the district, Raut, also the Minister of Energy, said, “The district has registered 3,000 cases between December 20 and January 8.
Everyday cases have touched 750 in the district.
The growth rate increased doubled Double.
we should not be afraid but need to follow the appropriate behavior of covid.
Wearing masks is mandatory in the house and also workplace.
“Asked whether such guidelines have been issued by the Central Government or State, Raut,” There is no choice but to wear a mask When social distance is impossible in the house due to a compact crowding or residence.
Wearing a mask at home will save everyone if there are family members having a positive symptom and test mask in the house.
This is a very simple process that must be tested and wheezing Soalation if you have symptoms.
Masks must be worn in public places or interiors, not including houses.
But wearing a mask in the right way is important.
“Raut also said the patient did not need oxygen until now in the current case.” In preparation, we provide 27,000 beds in hospitals and enough oxygen.
People must complete their second dose.
We need support from people to resist the spread, “he said.
Commissioner of the City of Radhakrishnan B and C collector R Vimala on Sunday issued orders for the implementation of new guidelines issued by the state government last day.
Revised guidelines will come into force since Sunday night.
The night curfew will be implemented between 11pm and 5 in the morning, where there is nothing, except for important purposes, permitted outside the house.
The assembly of more than five people will not be allowed from 5am to 11pm.
School and college Together with the training class will remain closed until February 15.
Restaurants, salons, fitness centers, important and non-essential services etc.
must be closed at 10pm.

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