Weavers to fight MSD with ergonomically designed seats – News2IN

Weavers to fight MSD with ergonomically designed seats

Written by news2in

VARANATION: The research team from the Mechanical Engineering Department (Industrial Management) of the Indian Institute of Technology, the University of Banaras Hindu (IIT-BHU) has made seats that are ergonomically designed for weavers using weaving holes that will give them back support and the comfort of thighs.
, making them less vulnerable to musculoskeletal disorders relating to work (MSD).
Prabhas Bhardwaj, Professor Mechanical Engineering, said, “The Handloom Varanasi industry has low weaving productivity.
They must work at least 12 hours continuously every day by sitting in one place.
Therefore, they face musculoskeletal disorders.
According to the survey conducted in Varanasi The majority of weavers have back pain and thigh pain.
That’s because weavers don’t have the right back support, and they sit on a plain wood board.
“So, the chair has been designed for them to provide comfort while working.
It will help weavers to work more productive, “he said.
A Bachelor of Research and Ergonomic Chair Designer M Krishna Prasnana rose to work on the growth of the Banaras Handloom Industry.
According to him, it was very hard for weavers to work all day, above the weaving hole.
The aircraft board used by them has no support.
The study revealed that it was not only old but also young weavers facing MSD.
The weavers take more work breaks at the afternoon shift than in the morning because of pain in the body.
Therefore, cost-effective and ergonomically designed seats for weavers are present with adjustable features depending on the form of weavers to help them overcome MSD.
Making chairs is also easy.
Every weaver can make it for its loom.
He further said, “First, he measures the length, width, heavy weavers and waist shapes and sizes while sitting.
After that the seat design is made with wood.
Such settings are also made in this chair so that each weaver can set it according to its size .
“Amresh Kushwaha, Chairman of the Weavers Cooperative Community in Ramnagar,” After working for 5 to 6 hours, weavers are used to take leaves from work because of their body pain This ergonomically designed has received positive feedback.
Weavers said that they could work comfortably for hours with the help of this chair.

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