‘We’re a woman’ moving the Supreme Court to seek infrastructure for women who are harassed – News2IN

‘We’re a woman’ moving the Supreme Court to seek infrastructure for women who are harassed

'We're a woman' moving the Supreme Court to seek infrastructure for women who are harassed
Written by news2in

NEW DELHI: An NGO ‘We the Women of India “has moved the Supreme Court seeking to plug huge gaps in infrastructure under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act across the country to provide legal assistance that is effective for abused women in the house of marriage and creating shelters for them after lodging a complaint against her husband and in-laws, the organization registered in PIL her, filed through advocate Shobha Gupta, said that domestic violence continues to be a crime of the most common against women in India despite laws DV entry into force over 15 years ago.
” according the Bureau of National Records crime) report for 2019, from 4.05 lakh reported cases are categorized under ‘crimes against women, over 30% were cases of domestic violence, “he said.
Terming these alarming figures only as’ the tip of the mountain es’, says NGOs in general, women refrained from complaining tent India ang they routinely face violence at home matrimonial fear the loss of reputation fami ly, the next social stigma and lack of awareness about the law and how to handle underneath.
Citing Health Survey National Family, PIL petitioner said that “approximately 86% of women victims of domestic violence never seek help, which means that only 14% of the scouts to help and meager 7% of them reach the relevant authorities under the Act DV.” Make government Union, all countries and parties UTS in the PIL, the NGO asks SC to direct all authorities, mandated to implement the Law on DV in letter and spirit, to the appointment of Protection Officers, counting Service Provider (legal aid) and Home shelter, as mandated in legislation oF enacted to protect women from domestic violence.
DV Act 2005, which came into force in October 2006, provides for ‘support network’ to help women abused at home the marriage for advice, complaint raises, file complaints and pursue their medications, including attending court judges.
The law also mandates the government to set up a shelter for women who fear for their safety in the marital home.
Petitioners complain that most of the country’s severely lacking in providing infrastructure assistance to women in distress.
“Domestic violence is a social problem and requires a dedicated awareness campaigns through various modes such as through campaigns such as ‘Swacch Bharat’, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, the detrimental effects of tobacco etc,” he said.
NGOs say that most websites do not list out state protection officers, service providers and shelters, making it difficult for women pressured to take refuge under DV Act.

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