West Bengal: Diarrhea Sham in 3 Kamarindati Deaths – News2IN

West Bengal: Diarrhea Sham in 3 Kamarindati Deaths

West Bengal: Diarrhea Sham in 3 Kamarindati Deaths
Written by news2in

Kolkata: At least three people, including two women and a child, died and more than 70 people were treated with diarrhea with diarrhea in the Kamarathati area, allegedly due to water contamination supplied by Kamarhati Municipality.
However, a health department official said two people died since Tuesday morning.
While one of the deaths has nothing to do with the plague, other people die from kidney failure.
Most of the affected people suffer from fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting treated at medical college and sagore dutta hospital hospital.
The affected Ward is 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Kamarhati Municipality, mostly located in Kumor Para, Shalpatabagan, Nawdapara and Kamarhati Jute Mill.
“Since Saturday, around 70 people with diarrhea symptoms from Kamarhati have come to the Sagore Dutta Hospital.
Three people died while others were accepted.
We have collected water samples from five places and sent them for testing,” said a senior senior officer.
Citizenship officials also collect water samples from Hooghly River Water Treatment plants.
It also sends water tankers to affected areas.
Residents have stopped using water supplied by the municipality and start buying packaged drinking water.
A civilian team led by former Deputy Chairperson of Tushar Chatterjee, a member of civil administration began to campaign in the affected area to spread consciousness.
“We are worried about regular situation and monitoring.
The medical camp has been established,” Chatterjee said.

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