West Bengal: Drive Jab specifically for pregnant women soon! – News2IN

West Bengal: Drive Jab specifically for pregnant women soon!

West Bengal: Drive Jab specifically for pregnant women soon!
Written by news2in

Kolkata: The state government in planning to launch a special inoculation drive for pregnant women in a few days.
On Thursday, health officials bring feedback from vaccination centers at private hospitals and governments and gynecologists to develop the action plan.
In early July, the Ministry of Health Union had vaccination of previous ant women.
Senior Clinical Trial Expert Santanu Tripathi said the decision to include pregnant women in inoculation drives was consciously taken by the central government, after being convinced that vaccination benefits would potentially exceed the risk of disease in pregnancy.
“Because we have enough general security and tolerability data for Covaxin and Covishield in India, it seems reasonable to expect that this vaccine will optimally safe in pregnancy.
In Bengal, vaccination against Covid-19 in pregnant women is scheduled to start in a few days .
Pregnant women will be advised appropriately so they make a decision based on information.
“Tripathi said.
Tripathi, along with other senior health departments, including Bibhuti Saha, was at a meeting Thursday attended by various hospitals.
Questions like where trimester if the Jab is given, whether it must be covishield or covaxin which is cut during the meeting.
“Pregnancy is a stage that compromised immunity, leaving women very susceptible to infections that can cause pre-position delivery.
We will intensify our counseling that supports taking vaccine shots,” said Arati Biswas, Gynecology and midwifery professors at Calcutta National Medical College.
” Many patients consulted with I wanted to take Jab.
Two of their main concerns are when taking shots and vaccines where.
I have advised them to take one of the two vaccines, preferably after the first trimester, “said Consultant CMRI Gynecologist Samir Ray.

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