WFI suspended Vinesh Phogat, Sonam Malik – News2IN

WFI suspended Vinesh Phogat, Sonam Malik

WFI suspended Vinesh Phogat, Sonam Malik
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Vinesh Pululat Phogat and Sonam Malik on Tuesday “suspended temporarily” by the Indian Wrestling Federation (WFI) because of “violations” during their Tokyo Olympic campaign.
Both the wrestlers have issued a notification by WFI and has been asked to reply on August 16, TOI has learned.
VINESH has been suspended mainly for three reasons.
A source in WFI told Ti that Vinesh, as long as he stayed in a match village in Tokyo, refused to share a room with another female wrestler from India.
“There are four female wrestlers from India – Vinesh, Sonam, Anshu (Malik) and Seema (Bisla).
Vinesh flat refuses to share rooms with fellow Indian wrestlers.
He wants a separate room for himself and tries to force his seniority.” The second mistake had been Accused of fighting VINESH is that he did not practice with fellow Indian wrestlers.
“Vinesh told the head of the Indian woman, Kuldeep Malik, that he would train with his personal coach Woller Akos and was not with him, when they were in Tokyo.
One day, incidentally, training VINESH and other Indian women’s wrestler training scheduled at the same time.
Next He got his schedule changed.
He behaves as if he is not from India, “added the source.
The third cost on Vinesh is that he did not wear a single from the official sponsor of the Indian wrestling contingent, Shiv Naresh.
“Instead he wore his personal sponsor singlet, Nike, during his fight at the Olympics,” said the source.
“This is a VINESH error.
He might think that he will get a medal from the Olympics and become a star, then no one will ask him.
IOA (Indian Olympic Association) also objected to this kind of behavior with the Federation of Wrestling.” All of this is gross mispression.
He has been temporarily suspended and is banned from all wrestling activities.
He could not compete in any national or domestic event until he filed a reply and WFI made a final decision.
“The final decision will be taken at the WFI Discipline Committee meeting.
As far as Sonam, the 19-year-old suspension was due to fail to collect his passport from the WFI office and asked a SAI official to do so on his name.” The federation got all visa work for Japan.
Ask for Sonam to collect his passport from the WFI office.
One person from WFI went to the office on Sunday and stayed there all day, expecting Sonam or someone from his family to come and collect a passport.
But no one from his side.
They instead sent a SAI official to collect a passport.
These children think that they will go to the Olympics so that they have become a kind of star and federation or Sai people are their servants.
This is the responsibility of the wrestler and this kind of attitude will not be accepted, “said the source.
Sonam’s father, Rajender Malik in his daughter’s defense said,” We could not go to collect a passport to Delhi because Haryana was under a tight lock.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji has said in video interactions before the Olympics faced by each athlete who faces all types of problems must contact the Indian sports authority.
I have a contact number from the top (Target Olympic podium scheme) officially with me.
When the departure date of Sonam for the Olympics approached and we did not have a passport in our hands, I, desperately called it officially and asked for his help.
He assured me that Sonam would be handed over a passport at the airport.
Fortunately, he got a passport collected from the WFI office and Sonam accepted it at the airport on his departure day.
Before that, he was very tense and really on the edge, with the mind crossing his mind that he would not be able to take part in the Olympics.
“Vinesh fell from the Tokyo match in the quarter-finals after losing to Vanesa Kaladzinskaya from Belarus, while Sonam lost his first round fight to Bolortuuya Khurelkhuu Mongolia.

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