What can happen to the Novak Djokovic visa trial in Australia – News2IN

What can happen to the Novak Djokovic visa trial in Australia

What can happen to the Novak Djokovic visa trial in Australia
Written by news2in

Melbourne: Novak Djokovic arranged for the day in court to challenge the cancellation of surprises from his visa for Covid rules, which threw an open plan of Australians into chaos.
But unlike tennis, the online federal court hearing which is open at 10:00 a.m.
Monday (2300 GMT) may not end with a simple victory or loss.
The following is to see some possible scenarios: If Judge Anthony Kelly decides to support Djokovic, it will cancel the visual cancellation, which will take effect again.
This will be a sensational victory for Djokovic vaccines and dramatic setbacks for the Australian Government, which has imposed a strict Covid-19 control on its borders for about two years.
The Serbian Law Team Star has determined what they want to rule the judge in this scenario.
Novak Djokovic (AFP photo) In sending 35-pages in front of hearing, they called “immediately” release “from detention no later than 17:00 on Monday.
They have also asked the judge to rule “at the earliest time as possible”, without waiting to make the reasons for the law they say can be released later.
Open Australia starts only seven days after hearing Monday.
But the government is sure to beg for such decisions, said Christopher Levingston, an accredited specialist in the law of migration with more than 20 years of experience.
And during the appeal “Mr.
Djokovic will remain in immigration detention”, he said in the analysis of this case.
If his hearing supports the Australian Government, it is likely to try to issue Djokovic from the country on the next aircraft available from Melbourne.
Last Thursday, the judge ordered Minister of Home Affairs Karen Andrews not to remove Djokovic as he opposed his appeal.
The order ended at 4:00 p.m.
on Monday.
Levingston said the government case relied on the migration legal section he believed “would ultimately see Mr Djokovic failed in its application”.
Under the law, the Minister only has to show that the presence of visa holders “May, will or may be” risk of health, safety, or the order of both Australians.
But even if the government wins, Serbian superstars can appeal.
If the judge rejects the ACE tennis case, there may be a challenge.
AFP’s photo “If he loses, it is very possible that the appeal will be submitted,” said John Findley, a lawyer-director who focused on migration, family, business and tax.
In the scenario, Djokovic’s lawyer must argue that there has been an error and maybe the flag some legal points have not been tested, he added.
But even if such an appeal was submitted, Djokovic would not be able to go free while the case was debated, said Levingston.
While the judge can allow appeal, he cannot order the government to provide a visa that allows Djokovic to get out of detention, Levingston said.
Australian interior ministers can provide such a visa, he said.
But he could not do it so much considering the government’s position for his case and the political impact of a decision to release him.

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