What is ‘Apple too’ and ‘secret’ that reveals about working on Apple – News2IN

What is ‘Apple too’ and ‘secret’ that reveals about working on Apple

What is 'Apple too' and 'secret' that reveals about working on Apple
Written by news2in

Get a job at Apple – one of the most advanced and biggest consumer technology companies – is a big problem in itself.
Given the brand name, Apple is mostly expected to have a perfect work environment with leaders to look.
But surprisingly, working on Apple might be very different from what you have dreamed of.
What is Apple is also a group of Apple employees who revived ‘I also’ to share their stories about horror at work at Apple under the #Appletoo banner.
While the ‘#Metoo’ movement mostly highlights sexual violence at work, ‘Apple also’ includes various problems such as racism, sexism, injustice, discrimination, intimidation, oppression, coercion, harassment, unfair punishment, and suspected privileges Concerns while working on Apple.
This movement was organized by Apple Security Engineer Cher Scarlett.
He tried to collect all unfair care and harassment stories in one place and within a week, this movement has received more than 500 reports from employees throughout Apple.
While reports talk about different workplace problems, there is one thing that is the same – ignorance that is replined by the Department of Human Resources.
Medium blog posts by Scarlett have begun to reveal the first batch of reports where five employees talk about abuse of power, sexual violence, abuse, sexism and racism.
The reason for starting this movement as explained by Scarlett, “when we suppress accountability and replace with persistent injustice we witness or experience in our workplace, we are faced with isolation patterns, degradation, and gas.
Apple also moves are said to be the last choice for Employees to express the real picture of working on Apple and they hope this will change things to be better someday.
“We have spent all internal roads.
We’ve talked to our leadership.
We have gone to a team of people.
We have increased through business behavior.
Nothing has changed.
It’s time to think differently, “he added.

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