What is the Zika Virus: All You Need to Know – News2IN
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What is the Zika Virus: All You Need to Know

What is the Zika Virus: All You Need to Know
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Even when Covid’s pandemic continues to go berserk in Kerala, the country reported the first case of Zika’s virus infection on Thursday.
New and new pathogens appear with the potential epidemics have threatened health insurance.
Here all you need to know about the Zika virus – What is Zika Virusjust like dengue and malaria, Zika is a kind of virus that spreads from mosquito bites.
This is caused by a virus that is transmitted primarily by Aedes mosquitoes, which bite during the day.
The same Mosquito is responsible for spreading dengue fever, chikungunya too.
Zika’s history, strain was first identified in Africa in 1947 but the cases emerged in the center of attention when the outbreak was identified in Brazil in 2015 and slowly, the virus the road to India too.
The virus spreads the usual way, through infected Aedes mosquitoes but this disease can also spread through sexual contact.
Zika was declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization in 2016.
Symptoms of Zika’s signs that were first seen were fever, such as dengue fever.
However, it is very difficult to diagnose at first.
Many patients confuse flu symptoms and hence, they don’t know if they have contracted Zika.
If a patient has a fever, surrounds the nose, headaches, and a rash that continues for more than a week, now it’s time to be tested.
Some people also get conjunctivitis, muscle pain and joints, and headaches, starting two to seven days after exposure.
In rare cases, the Zika virus has also been found to cause autoimmune infections.
Zika and neurological disordersza have also been associated with other neurological disorders, including serious brains and spinal cord infections.
The long-term health consequences of Zika infection are not clear.
Had Aedes mosquito prevention is the most active during the day and evening, be warned that people limit their external exposure as much as they can during this time and remain closed; Use high-quality mosquito repellent.
People who live in the room must also ensure that water is not still collected in the open.
To reduce the risk of birth anomalies and further deployment, it is also recommended that the partners who return from Zika-infected must practice safe or abstained sex, if possible.
Can you die because of zikanot of course, no.
Like other mosquito diseases, rest and medicines are the key to healing Zika.
Usually, patients recover but this disease kills around 1 percent of the victim.
Is there a solutionno vaccine today exists to prevent Zika.
However, researchers in France tried to develop a safe and effective vaccine for testing.

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